Professional Reed Diffusers Tutorial
How to make your own
Professional Reed Diffusers
What you need:
105gm Diffuser base.
35gm Fragrance Oil for this bottle.
Note: We are using Coconut Lime Verbena today, but choose something that appeals to you.
4. 10 Rattan Diffuser Reeds
Step 1: Place a glass jug on your scales and tare to bring back to zero.
Step 2: Pour in 105gm diffuser base.
Step 3: Add 35gm of fragrance oil
Step 4: Stir carefully and thoroughly until well distributed
Step 5: Carefully funnel your completed mixture into the diffuser bottle and screw the collar firmly into place.
Note: If you do not wish to utilise the diffuser straight away, place plug into the bottle before the collar is screwed on and ensure it is in firmly.
Step 6: Insert the rattan reeds through the collar and allow to absorb the mixture for about 5 minutes. After this time carefully remove the reeds from the liquid and invert, placing the dry end in the liquid.
Note: This is to ensure the scent is absorbed into both ends of the reeds to give the best scent throw.
Note: If you have a different bottle you wish to use for your diffuser, use 75% of the diffuser base and 25% of your fragrance. Any oil soluble fragrance can be used to make this product.
Step 7: Your diffuser is now ready to enjoy.